E-goverment for health: an assessment of the national e-health portals provided by NHS

E-health is a growing phenomenon in the health industry, which in the span of the last two decades has grown significantly across the globe, in particularly in the developed countries, which have witnessed and harnessed some of the benefits that it brings to the 21st century. The term e-health is recognised as being an electronic means of providing healthcare and consists of a whole range of related technologies which provide the infrastructure for health information. This project will carry out a thorough assessment of the UK NHS portals (NHS Direct & NHS Choice). As efficiency and effectiveness become the new buzz words within the UK government budget planning, in the last few years we have seen cutbacks being made in all sectors, particularly in the “health sector”. It is this sector that this project is based around. Hence the reason, it has come to acknowledge the importance of e-health in our society and in particular focusing on the NHS portals, which can be significantly improved both in terms of quality and cost effectiveness.
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