High rejection VNIR-SWIR beam splitter for the multispectral instrument of Sentinel 2

The Sentinel 2 mission shall ensure the continuity and enhancement of Landsat and SPOT data and sustain operational land services in the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative. Sentinel-2 is designed to image the Earth’s landmasses from its orbit for at least 7.25 years. The Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI), delivered by Astrium Toulouse, will provide high resolution imagery in 13 spectral channels extending from the Visible Near Infrared (VNIR, 400-1100 nm) to the Short Wave Infra-Red (SWIR, 1100-2500 nm) range, down to a resolution of 10 meters with an image width of 290 kilometers. A dichroic splitter device is located in back-focal path of the telescope. It allows splitting the incoming optical beam between VNIR and SWIR focal planes. It shall ensure an extremely high rejection, better than 1:1000, between both ranges while introducing negligible aberrations in reflected (VNIR) and transmitted (SWIR) paths. The splitter assembly consists of a wedged dichroic filter plate and a wedged compensator plate mounted in a common frame. Both plates are made of fused silica (Infrasil) and polished to lambda/40. The major challenges reside in the design complexity of the dichroic coating and in the deposition process control to ensure the required high uniformity of performances through the large aperture. The paper presents the final spectral and optical performances of this challenging sub-system. It also discusses the main difficulties that have been overpassed during the development and qualification phase.
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