Pengaruh Tingkat Pengetahuan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pemanfaatan Bank Mini Sekolah terhadap Minat Menabung Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Malang

Saving interest of students is student’s interest to save their money in the financial institution with certain goal. Saving interest of students affected by two factors, internal and external factors. Economic knowledge level and school mini bank utilization. Economic knowledge level teaches the students to be smart in managing their finances, determining priority scale in fulfilling their needs. One factor that affects education is by school mini bank utilization optimally where the students can habituate themselves to deliver their saving interest, then the habits will be developed and be student’s character. This research used quantitative research design and explanation research type. Population in this research was students in the 11th Grade of Social Science SMA Negeri 2 Malang academic year 2016/2017 for 138 students. Sample in this research was determined based on Slovin formula using proportional random sampling technique, then it was obtained 102 respondents. This research aims to know: (1) the effect of economic knowledge level to the saving interest of students in the 11th Grade of Social Science SMA Negeri 2 Malang; (2) the effect of school mini bank utilization to the saving interest of students in the 11th Grade of Social Science SMA Negeri 2 Malang; and (3) the effect of economic knowledge level and school mini bank utilization to the saving interest of students in the 11th Grade of Social Science SMA Negeri 2 Malang. DOI:
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