Starting with the end in mind: Future focussed curriculum in Health Promotion

The quality curriculum assessment practice example presented in this chapter describes and reflects on the health promotion curriculum renewal journey to develop a programmatic level assessment practice aimed at: (1) improving the judgements and consistency academics make about the quality of students’ assessable work; and (2) providing greater clarity for students on assessment expectations and standards, and how these relate to work ready competencies. This journey began with a macro level curriculum renewal process initiated by a new set of graduate attributes and culminated in a programmatic level assessment Rubric Creator for use by the USC health promotion academic team. A major challenge was bringing together graduate level health promotion professional competencies, University graduate attributes and principles informing assessment, to assure student learning through productive and constructively aligned programmatic assessment. These curriculum frameworks complement and advance the focus on significant and transferable qualities and skills deemed necessary for work ready graduates. The development of the Rubric Creator aligns with Readman and Allen’s (Practical Planning and Assessment. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2013) best practice non-negotiable assessment principles which gives us confidence about the integrity of the Rubric Creator process. Feedback from academic users indicates the Rubric Creator supported the development of their assessment practice. It is our hope that this learning will contribute to greater clarity and transparency for students and the broader health promotion profession about what is assessed and how assessment happens in the USC Health Promotion programs. We believe this experience is transferable to other professional disciplines looking towards curriculum renewal and enhancing student learning experiences.
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