Red vine leaf extract (AS 195) can improve some signs and symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, a systematic review.

AIM: Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is common in adults. Some complications include skin changes, edema, heavy legs, muscle cramps, pain, and varicose veins. In traditional medicine, red vine leaf extract (AS 195) has been used to cure the symptoms of CVI. This systematic review was aimed to assess the effects of AS 195 in patients with CVI. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed to identify trials that reported the impact of red vine leaf extract on CVI. The primary outcomes investigated were Leg (limb) volume, calf circumference, ankle circumference, tired and heavy legs, a sensation of tension, tingling sensation, and pain. RESULTS: From the 56 studies, 5 trials were selected according to our inclusion criteria. Red vine leaf extract significantly improved numbers of outcomes (lower leg volume, calf and ankle circumference, tired, heavy legs, tingling sensation, pain, the sensation of tension in the legs, cutaneous microcirculation, and transcutaneous oxygen pressure) in only some trials. The tolerability for red vine leaf extract was reported good or satisfactory. CONCLUSIONS: Red vine leaf extract had a beneficial therapeutic role in patients with CVI. Further high-quality trials are required to be carried out to provide strong evidence.
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