Evaluation of the molecular variability and characteristics of Paramecium polycaryum and Paramecium nephridiatum, within subgenus Cypriostomum (Ciliophora, Protista)

Abstract Although some Paramecium species are suitable research objects in many areas of life sciences, the biodiversity structure of other species is almost unknown. In the current survey, we present a molecular analysis of 60 Cypriostomum strains, which for the first time allows for the study of intra- and interspecific relationships within that subgenus, as well as the assessment of the biogeography patterns of its morphospecies. Analysis of COI mtDNA variation revealed three main clades (separated from each other by approximately 130 nucleotide substitutions), each one with internal sub-clusters (differing by 30 to 70 substitutions – a similar range found between P. aurelia cryptic species and P. bursaria syngens). The first clade is represented exclusively by P. polycaryum ; the second one includes only four strains identified as P. calkinsi . The third cluster seems to be paraphyletic, as it includes P. nephridiatum , P. woodruffi , and Eucandidatus P. hungarianum . Some strains, previously identified as P. calkinsi , had COI sequences identical or very similar to P. nephridiatum ones. Morphological reinvestigation of several such strains revealed common morphological features with P. nephridiatum . The paper contains new information concerning speciation within particular species, i.e. existence of cryptic species within P. polycaryum (three) and in P. nephridiatum (six).
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