El uso indiscriminado de bolsas plasticas tiene severas consecuencias para el ambiente. Una de las estrategias mas utilizadas para disminuir este comportamiento es cambiar sus contingencias de reforzamiento. Asi, en 2012 los supermercados de la CABA comenzaron a cobrar las bolsas plasticas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de este cambio en las contingencias sobre la conducta de uso de bolsas plasticas. Se registro el comportamiento de 457 clientes al salir de comercios donde se implemento la medida (CABA) y donde no se implemento (GBA). Los registros se realizaron antes y despues de su aplicacion. Los resultados indicaron que la conducta de llevar bolsa reutilizable aumento de manera significativa a lo largo del tiempo, solo en los comercios que aplicaron la medida. La conducta se incremento de forma inmediata y se mantuvo incluso dos meses despues de implementada la politica. El cobro de bolsas, segun nuestros resultados, seria eficaz para incrementar la realizacion de conductas alternativas al uso de bolsas plasticas. Se discuten las implicancias de estos resultados para el mejoramiento de las politicas publicas destinadas a incrementar los comportamientos de cuidado del ambiente. Palabras clave Castigo, Conducta pro ambiental, Bolsas plasticas, Politica de precios Abstract BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS OF A PRICING POLICY TO REDUCE PLASTIC BAG USE The unlimited use of plastic bags has severe consequences for the environment. One of the best strategies to reduce this behavior is to change their contingencies of reinforcement. In line with this, in 2012 the supermarkets of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires began to charge plastic bags.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of this change in the consequences of plastic bag use.We registered the behavior of 457 customers at the exit of supermarkets; in areas where the pricing policy was implemented (CABA) and where it was not implemented (GBA). The observations were made before and after the policy started. Results indicated that the use of reusable carrier bags increased over time, but it was significantly only for the stores that applied the measure.The behavior increased immediately after the policy started and remained stable even two months after. These results suggest that charging the bags is an effective strategy to increase alternative behaviors to the use of plastic bags. We discuss the implications of these findings for the improvement of public policies aimed at promoting pro-environmental behavior. Key words Punishment, Pro environmental behavior, Policy acceptability,
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