Áreas naturales de Cuba con mayor endemismo de arácnidos (Chelicerata: Arachnida)

espanolLas areas naturales que en Cuba presentan mayor cantidad de especies de aracnidos endemicos son cinco: Cordillera de la Sierra Maestra (136), Macizo de Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa (86), Macizo de Guamuhaya (84), Franja Costera de Cabo Cruz-Maisi (71) y la Cordillera de Guaniguanico (68). Guaniguanico esta en la region occidental del pais, Guamuhaya en la central y las tres restantes en la region oriental. En total se registraron 383 especies, de las que 223 son endemismos locales, distribuidas entre Sierra Maestra (53), Cabo Cruz-Maisi (51), Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa (48), Guamuhaya (42) y Guaniguanico (29). A nivel de genero, 22 son endemicos de una de las cinco areas: Sierra Maestra (10), Guamuhaya (6), Guaniguanico (4), Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa (2), Cabo Cruz-Maisi (1). Los ordenes con mayor porcentaje de especies endemicas fueron Ricinulei y Thelyphonida (100%), Schizomida (97,1%), Opiliones (91,7%), Scorpiones (83,3%) y Solifugae (75,0%). EnglishThe Cuban natural areas having highest count of endemic species of arachnids are five: Sierra Maestra Range (136), Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa Group (86), Guamuhaya Range (84), Cabo Cruz-Maisi Coastal Strip (71), and Guaniguanico Range (68). Guaniguanico is in the western region of Cuba, Guamuhaya in central Cuba, and the other three areas are in eastern Cuba. In total, 383 endemic species were recorded, of which 223 are local endemics. These local endemics are distributed as follows: Sierra Maestra, 53; Cabo Cruz-Maisi, 51; Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa, 48; Guamuhaya, 42; and Guaniguanico, 29. At the generic level, 22 are restricted to one of the five areas: Sierra Maestra, 11; Guamuhaya, 6; Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa, 3; Guaniguanico, 2; Cabo Cruz-Maisi, 1. The orders with the highest percentage of endemic species were Ricinulei and Thelyphonida (100%), Schizomida (97.1%), Opiliones (91.7%), Scorpiones (83.3%) and Solifugae (75.0%).
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