Modeling LImestone Reactivity and Sizing the Dissolution Tank in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Scrubbers

) is one of the pollutant gases thatresult from energy conversion by coal and oil combustion.Limestone slurries are widely utilized in wet flue gas desul-furization (WFGD) processes. The evaluation of the reagent’sreactivity is fundamental for process design and plant opera-tion. The comparison of different limestone and dolomiterocks through dissolution experiments was realized by apply-ing a model for second-order kinetics. And a total of 12 dif-ferent samples were tested, at three different size fractions. Asimulation model was developed to identify each sample’simpact on sizing the dissolution tank of a WFGD scrubber. Asecond-order model was applied within the scrubber’s disso-lution tank range of operation at pH values between 4 and5. The regression coefficients for the second-order model werehigher than 0.98 in all cases. The dissolution tank volumeestimation was done based on the reagent’s overall chemicalreaction constant in dissolution experiments. The limestonerocks, where the prevailing mineral was calcite (CaCO
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