Contribution of Aedes aegypti Breeding by Different Income group Communities of Dehradun city, Uttarakhand, India

Entomological survey was carried out in different income group communities of selected localities in Dehradun, Uttarakhand during January to December 2012 with a view to study the prevalence, distribution and stratification of areas for Aedes mosquito species. In HIG colony HI were above the critical level during August and September and BI were during June, September and October indicating the risk of dengue outbreak in transmission season. In all the localities surveyed the plastic containers were maximum followed by tin containers, earthen pots, desert coolers and cement tanks. In LIG colony earthen pots were less in number (19.91%) but it forms highest positive breeding containers for Aedes mosquitoes but in MIG colony desert coolers were the most preferred breeding container. In HIG colony plastic and tin containers were the primary breeding containers but the desert coolers and di scarded tyres were the most preferred breeding containers and contributing maximum for the breeding of Aedes aegypti.
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