Impact On Economic And Democracy Right To Food Policy In India

The he world food conference convened by FAO in 1974 draw the attention of the world community, for the first time, the urgent need for finding ways and means for assuring food security to the hungry millions of the world. The conference not only recognised the food security as the responsibility of the world community, but also gave the call that no child, women and man should be stunted by malnutrition (acharya 1983Among the developing nations, India‟s achievements in reducing poverty and hunger are impressive, but there is more to be done to see a hunger-free India. Recent studies indicate that the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe groups, despite the implementation of several special programmes for their welfare, remain the poorest among the social groups. Among these groups, people belonging to agricultural labour households and casual labour households are the worst sufferers. While at the allindia level, agricultural labour households accounted for 48% of the rural poor, the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe households in this category accounted for more than a quarter of the total population in rural India 1999-2000. a tribal populated state, has been focused on the problem of effectiveness of the food security of tribal.It is widely accepted that the right to food forms one of the basic economic and social rights essential to achieve ‘economic democracy’ in India. This right is nowhere near realization in India, where under nutrition levels are among the lowest in the world. The right to food moreover, does not easily translate into well-defined entitlements and responsibility. Though serious difficulties are involved in making the right to food fully justifiable, new intervention are possible in at least there ways-through legal action, through democratic practices and through changing public perception. More importantly, the right to food needs to be linked to other economic and social right relation to education, work, health and information, which tighter hold the promise of radical change in public parities and democracy politics.
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