Organic Semiconductors in Sensors and Bioelectronics II

v Conference Committee vii WISE: the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (Plenary Paper) [7419A-204] E. L. Wright, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States) SESSION 1 ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTORS IN SENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS I 7418 02 Contrasting responses of organic transistors to nerve gas and explosive simulant vapors (Invited Paper) [7418-01] H. E. Katz, J. Huang, K. C. See, T. Dawidcyk, The Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States) 7418 03 Sensing nitroaromatic analytes with a bifluorene-cored dendrimer [7418-02] H. Cavaye, H. Barcena, P. E. Shaw, P. L. Burn, S.-C. Lo, P. Meredith, The Univ. of Queensland (Australia) SESSION 2 ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTORS IN SENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS II 7418 06 Luminescent conjugated oligothiophenes: real time in vivo imaging of biomolecules (Invited Paper) [7418-05] K. P. R. Nilsson, Linkoping Univ. (Sweden) 7418 09 Sniffing out cancer in the breath: detection of non-polar volatile compounds through carrier scattering in random networks of carbon nanotubes (Invited Paper) [7418-08] H. Haick, P. Gang, U. Tisch, Y. Zilberman, Te chnion-Israel Institute of Technology (Israel); W. Pisula, X. Feng, K. Mullen, Max-Planck -Institut fur Polymerforschung (Germany) 7418 0A Polymer biophotonic lab-on-chip devices with integrated organic semiconductor lasers (Invited Paper) [7418-09] T. Mappes, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); C. Vannahme, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany) and Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); S. Klinkhammer, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany) and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany); T. Woggon, M. Schelb, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); S. Lenhert, J. Mohr, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany); U. Lemmer, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany) SESSION 3 ORGANIC SEMICONDUCTORS IN SENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS III 7418 0B Novel concepts for organic optical oxygen sensor devices (Invited Paper) [7418-10] S. Sax, A. Neuhold, NanoTecCenter Weiz GmbH (Austria); E. J. W. List, NanoTecCenter Weiz GmbH (Austria) and Graz Univ. of Technology (Austria)
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