Alapvető szimmetriák vizsgálata antiprotonokkal = Study of fundamental symmetries using antiprotons

Tevekenysegunk a CERN Antiproton-lassitoja melletti ASACUSA egyuttműkodes kulonboző kiserleteihez kapcsolodik, főkent az anyag es antianyag egyenertekűseget kimondo CPT-invariancia kiserleti ellenőrzesere. Hangolhato lezerrel atmenetet stimulalunk antiprotonos heliumatom hosszu es rovid elettartamu allapotai kozott, az atmeneti energiabol meghatarozzuk az antiproton es az elektron tomegenek hanyadosat. A mereseinket egeszen ritka es hideg gazban vegezve, a lezerfrekvenciat frekvenciafesűvel stabilizalva, az atomi mozgas miatti Doppler-hatast ketfotonos gerjesztessel csokkentve, a protonehoz kozeli pontossagot ertunk el az antiproton tomegenek meghatarozasaban. A lezer-mikrohullam-lezer harmas rezonancia modszerevel meghataroztuk az antiproton magneses momentumat helium-4 es helium-3 atomokban es az elmeletivel egyező spektrumokat kaptunk. Prototipust epitettunk az antihidrogen előallitasara szolgalo ketmodusu Paul-csapdahoz es megepitettuk az antihidrogen kepződeset ellenőrző detektorrendszerunket. Kisenergiaju antiproton es hidrogen molekula utkozeseben meghataroztuk az egyszeres ionizacios hataskeresztmetszeteket es elmeleti szamitasokat vegeztunk egyszeresen es ketszeresen differencialis hataskeresztmetszetekre antiproton es helium utkozeseiben, valamint hidrogen- es vizmolekula ionizaciojara polarizalt lezerterben. Megmertuk az ionvezetes hőmersekletfuggeset kapillarisokban es ramutattunk, hogy kis energian rugalmas utkozes, nagyobbakon a Coulomb-taszitas dominal. | Our activity is connected to the experiments of the ASACUSA collaboration at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN, mainly to the tests of CPT invariance, stating the equivalence of matter and antimatter. Using tunable lasers to stimulate transitions between short- and long-lived states in antiprotonic helium atoms, from the transition energies we determine the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio. Performing the measurements in low-pressure cold gas, stabilising the laser tune using a frequency comb and reducing the Doppler broadening from atomic motion using two-photon spectroscopy we managed to reach a precision of determining to antiproton mass close to that of the proton. Using a laser-microwave-laser triple resonance technique we have measured the magnetic moment of the antiproton in He-4 and He-3 atoms in agreement with the theoretical predictions. We have built a prototype of a two-tone Paul-trap for antihydrogen formation and also a detector system for testing antihydrogen annihilation. We have measured single ionization cross sections for collisions of low-energy antiprotons with hydrogen molecules and calculated singly and doubly differential cross sections for collisons of antiprotons with helium and also for the ionization of hydrogen and water molecules in a polarized laser field. Measured the temperature dependence of ionic conductivity in capillaries and showed that at low energies elastic collisions whereas at higher ones Coulomb repulsion dominate.
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