Training Propulsion via Acceleration of the Trailing Limb.

Walking function, which is critical to performing many activities of daily living, is commonly assessed by walking speed. Walking speed is dependent on propulsion, which is governed by ankle moment and the posture of the trailing limb during push-off. Here, we present a new gait training paradigm that utilizes a dual belt treadmill to train both components of propulsion by accelerating the belt of the trailing limb during push-off. Accelerations require participants to produce greater propulsive force to counteract inertial effects, and increases extension of the trailing limb through increased belt velocity. We hypothesized that one session of training in our paradigm would produce after effects in propulsion mechanics and, consequently, walking speed. We tested our training paradigm on healthy young adults at two acceleration magnitudes-7 m/s2 (HA) and 2 m/s2 (LA)-and compared their results to a third control group (VC) that walked at a higher velocity during training. Results show that the HA group significantly increased walking speed following training (mean ± s.e.m: 0.073 ± 0.013 m/s, p < 0.001). The change in walking speed in the LA and VC groups was not significant (LA: 0.032 ± 0.013 m/s, VC: -0.003 ± 0.013 m/s). Responder analysis showed that changes in push-off posture and in activation of ankle plantar-flexor muscles contributed to the greater increases in gait speed measured in the HA group compared to the LA and VC groups. The duration of after effects post training suggest that the measured changes in neuromotor coordination are consistent with use-dependent learning.
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