Design and Application of Fuzzy Logic Based Fire Monitoring and Warning Systems for Smart Buildings

Typical fire monitoring and warning systems use a single smoke detector that is connected to a fire management system to give early warnings before the fire spreads out up to a damaging level. However, it is found that only smoke detector-based fire monitoring systems are not efficient and intelligent since they generate false warnings in case of a person is smoking, etc. There is need of a multi-sensor based intelligent and smart fire monitoring system that employs various parameters, such as presence of flame, temperature of the room, smoke, etc. To achieve such a smart solution, a multi-sensor solution is required that can intelligently use the data of sensors and generate true warnings for further fire control and management. This paper presents an intelligent Fire Monitoring and Warning System (FMWS) that is based on Fuzzy Logic to identify the true existence of dangerous fire and send alert to Fire Management System (FMS). This paper discusses design and application of a Fuzzy Logic Fire Monitoring and Warning System that also sends an alert message using Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) technology. The system is based on tiny, low cost, and very small in size sensors to ensure that the solution is reproduceable. Simulation work is done in MATLAB ver. 7.1 (The MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and the results of the experiments are satisfactory.
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