MicroTCA.0, a shelf standard adopted by the GET project for experiments in nuclear physics with the smart trigger and time stamper MUTANT

MTCA.0 is widely used as the shelf standard to handle up to 30k channels of the General Electronics for Time projection chambers (GET) project. This scalable and reconfigurable data acquisition system, originally designed for time projection chambers (TPC) in nuclear physics, is also of interest to other physicists who wish to renew their electronics. The dual star and double width MTCA version retained for the project perfectly suits our requirements: to be able to setup the system and acquire the data on the one hand, with the best commercial solution (MicroTCA Carrier Hub) and having parallel access to all Advanced Mezzanine Cards (AMC) with a dedicated three-level trigger/timestamper on the other. This module called MUTANT (MUtiplicity Trigger ANd Time) takes full advantage of all the backplane resources, a carrier board initially foreseen for redundancy in telecom architectures.
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