Биотехнологический потенциал бактерии Pseudomonas sp. Иб-1. 1 как основы полифункционального биопрепарата

Properties of a psychrotrophic strain Pseudomonas sp. IB-1.1 are investigated. Authors allocated this strain from the oil-contaminated soil of Krasnoyarsk Krai earlier. Ability of bacteria to oxidation of organic sub­stances to the final products (CO 2 and H 2O) is calculated by amount of carbon dioxide. Ability of microor­ganisms to nitrogen fixation and potential nitrogenase activity of soil samples, the processed Pseudomonas sp. IB-1.1, is determined by the gas chromatography. All experiments were made at a temperature of 8 оC and 26 оC. The strain proved as the active destructor of various hydrocarbons, oil and products of its pro­cessing (73,9-169,0 mg of CO 2/g of a substratum/72 h at 8 оC and 38,7-154,9 mg of CO 2/g of a substra­tum/72 h at 26 оC). Ability to fixing of atmospheric nitrogen at a microorganism with fall of temperature in­creased. Potential nitrogenase activity of the soil with bacteria Pseudomonas sp. IB-1.1, was much higher, than at the control samples containing only native microflora both at 8 оC, and at 26 оC. Strain. IB-1.1 can be used as a basis of biological product for weeding from oil pollution and restoration of its fertility in cold cli­matic conditions.
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