Launching the C-HPP neXt-CP50 Pilot Project for Functional Characterization of Identified Proteins with No Known Function

An important goal of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) Chromosome-centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) is to correctly define the number of canonical proteins encoded by their cognate open reading frames on each chromosome in the human genome. When identified with high confidence of protein evidence (PE), such proteins are termed PE1 proteins in the online database resource, neXtProt. However, proteins that have not been identified unequivocally at the protein level but that have other evidence suggestive of their existence (PE2–4) are termed missing proteins (MPs). The number of MPs has been reduced from 5511 in 2012 to 2186 in 2018 (neXtProt 2018-01-17 release). Although the annotation of the human proteome has made significant progress, the “parts list” alone does not inform function. Indeed, 1937 proteins representing ∼10% of the human proteome have no function either annotated from experimental characterization or predicted by homology to other proteins. Specifically, these 1937 “dark proteins...
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