Simposio Keystone "Avances en vacunas en la era de la genómica", Río de Janeiro, Brasil, del 31 de octubre al 4 de noviembre de 2013

The Keystone Symposia “Advancing vaccines in the genomic era” was held in the Convention Center of the Windsor Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from October 31 to November 4. It was part of the Keystone Global Symposia series sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Fundation. Two-hundred and twenty delegates and more than a hundred of others participants around the world attended. The event was subdivided into 10 workshops covering 68 lectures and 120 posters on the latest results for vaccine design, development and testing, most of them with examples of the application of the Systems Biology approach with new technologies and an integral focus. The high quality of debates and researchers meetings brought about the general concerns on the main infectious diseases. They also provided an extraordinary opportunity to exchange about new ideas and to establish collaboration programs.
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