El cuento musicado.: La interdisciplinariedad al servicio de la interculturalidad

espanolEl cuento musicado es una actividad que proponemos a los alumnos de la asignatura Desarrollo de la Expresion Musical en Infantil del Grado de Educacion Infantil que se imparte en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacion de la Universidad de Cordoba como Proyecto de Innovacion Educativa dentro del marco del Espacio Europeo de Educacion Superior (EEES). Dicha actividad consiste en la dramatizacion o escenificacion de una historia original donde se explora las distintas posibilidades de la palabra, el sonido y el movimiento como elementos imprescindibles en cualquier proceso de comunicacion. El principal objetivo que se persigue es que el futuro maestro viva experiencias, sensaciones o emociones que le permitan interpretar el mundo que le rodea, pues una sociedad que esta en continuo cambio exige profesionales que den respuesta a los nuevos escenarios: globalizacion, interculturalidad, etc. Con el presente trabajo pretendemos ilustrar el papel que ejercen las distintas disciplinas de las que consta el cuento musicado a la hora de educar en la diversidad. EnglishThe tale with music is an activity that we propose to students of the Musical Expression Development in Childhood Education degree that is taught in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cordoba, as an innovative educational project within the European Higher Education (EHEA) framework. This activity consists of the dramatization or staging of an original story where the possibilities of the word (Literature), sound (Music) and movement (Dance), as essential elements of any communication process are explored. The main goal is that future teachers experience feelings or emotions that allow them to interpret the world around them as a society that is constantly changing needs teachers to adapt to these new circumstances: globalization, multiculturalism, etc. In addition, we think that the tale with music, by its interdisciplinary character, can become the backbone of the different areas around which teaching is organized in the Faculties of Education and Schools of Education, an issue that remains as one of the major challenges. With the present text, we intend to illustrate the role played by the different areas that take part in tales with music, when it comes to educating in diversity.
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