Studi Kasus : Penanganan Bersihan Jalan Nafas Pada Anak Dengan Bronchopneumonia di RSU. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto

Ineffectiveness of airway clearance in children with bronchopneumonia is a major problem that always arises. This case study was to carry out nursing care for bronchopneumonia children with ineffectiveness of airway clearance in RSU Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Mojokerto. The results of the case study found same complaints in first and second participants that are productive cough, fever, tightness, and mucus secretion. On first client there was an additional breath sound of crackles in the right lung and the second client was found crackles in the right and left lung. The diagnosis both participants were ineffectiveness of airway clearence. Interventions performed on both participants patients was monitoring breathing pattern, recording chest movements asymmetry of the auxiliary muscles breathing intercostae, performing auscultation of any additional breath sounds, providing a comfortable position, giving nebulizer, clapping , monitoring vital signs, collaborating in administering drug therapy, giving health educations to the client's family how to treat bronchopneumonia at home. The 3x24 hour evaluation results showed that participant 1 was resolved because the situation improved, the additional breath sounds on the lungs were gone because when the study was conducted on the second day, participant 2 was partially overcame, because the client was still coughing, there was a breath additional crackles in the right lung because the assessment was carried out on the first day. Participants with bronchopneumonia can experience tightness caused by excessive sputum. To excrete excessive sputum, self-action is done, one of which is clapping.
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