[Reduced number of fatal and life-threatening reactions to food. Reporting by the medical profession has resulted in effective measures].

: The results from the Swedish system for reporting severe and fatal reactions caused by food for the period 1993-96 were published in Lakartidningen in 1997. We now report the results for the period 1997-2003. The number of fatal cases has decreased from 1.75 to 0.86 per year and the number of life-threatening cases from 3 to I per year. The most gratifying result was the large decrease in severe reactions caused by soy, from 3 deaths and 6 life-threatening cases during the first 4-year period to just one life-threatening case during the following 7-year period. This reduction is probably largely due to an increased awareness of identified risk persons, but also to a reduced use of soy protein. The ongoing study illustrates the usefulness of a national system for reporting severe and fatal reactions caused by food.
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