Universal extra dimensions : life with BLKTs

In universal extra dimension (UED) models with one compactified extra dimension, a Z2 symmetry, termed KK-parity, ensures the stability of the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) which could be a viable dark matter candidate. This symmetry leads to two fixed points in the extra space like direction. In non-minimal versions of UED boundary-localized kinetic terms (BLKT) of same strength at both fixed points induce a new Z2 symmetry which ensures the stability of LKP. The precision of the dark matter measurements severely correlates and restricts the BLKT parameters of gauge bosons and fermions. Furthermore, BLKT parameters of different strengths at the fixed would induce a non-consevation of KK-parity. We examine, in the presence of such terms, single production and decay of Kaluza-Klein excitations of the neutral electroweak gauge bosons in the context of LHC.
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