Parthenogenic Haploids in Melon: Generation and Molecular Characterization of a Doubled Haploid Line Population

Melon (Cucumis melo) is one of the principal vegetable crops for fresh market, for which a large number of breeding programs, oriented to generate inbred pure lines and hybrids, is established worldwide. The process to obtain and select these lines has been highly accelerated by the use of biotechnological techniques such as the generation of doubledhaploidline(DHL)populationsandmolecularmarkers.Moreover,theuseofDHLsingeneticstudiesisauseful tool because of their complete homozygosity and the permanent availability of plant material perpetuated by seed. In this work, the parthenogenetic response of 17 melon genotypes and the F1 hybrid PI 161375 · Spanish cultivar Piel de Sapo (PS) was studied considering three stages along the in vitro DHL generation process. The response of the analyzed melon cultivars was heterogeneous through the DHL generation with different limiting steps for each genotype. The response of the PI 161375 · PS hybrid was more similar to the male (PS) than the female parent (PI 161375), although the response of the maternal genotype was higher for some stages. This points to the important role of alleles from both parentsinthedifferentstepsoftheDHLgenerationprocess,anditcouldexplaintheidentificationofsixgenomicregions with distorted allelic segregation skewed toward PS or PI 161375. This hybrid was used to generate a population of 109 DHLs, the gametophytic origin of which was confirmed by flow cytometry and molecular markers.
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