Integrated nutrient management of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir.

A field experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Division of Agronomy, SKUAST-K, Shalimar, during kharif seasons of 2005–07, on silty clay loam soil in order to study the “response of rice to integrated nutrient management under temperate conditions. The study revealed that the grain yield (79.6 q ha−1) was significantly more with FYM @ 20 t ha−1 + 75% recommended fertilizer dose NPK, whereas straw yield (97.5 q ha−1) was remarkably higher with the application of recommended fertilizer dose + poultry manure @ 20 t ha−1. The same treatment combination discernibly improved all growth attributes viz., plant height, tiller production, dry matter accumulation and leaf area index of rice up to harvest. The yield attributes viz., panicle length and number of spikelets panicle−1 also registered significantly higher values with application of same treatment (RFD + poultry manure @ 20 t ha−1), whereas grains panicle−1 and panicles m−2 were significantly higher with application of FYM @ 20 t ha−1 + 75% recommended fertilizer dose.
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