Организация вакцинопрофилактики против сибирской язвы в плановом порядке и по эпидемическим показаниям на территории Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа

The one of the main aims of contemporary society is sustainable development of the Small Peoples of the Far North in Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district, create the conditions for cultural development, traditional nomadic life, traditional crafts. There was emergency situation, the outbreak of Аnthrax, in Jule 2016. It was necessary to act rapid, accurately, coordinately, taking into account the traditional lifestyle features and nomadic life of Small Peoples of the Far North. In this article there are analysis of problems and their solutions, which were detected in set of anti-epidemic measures, namely in vaccination of the indigenous population of The Far North. Obviously, acquired experience of the emergency situation allowed us to summarize course of anti-epidemic action in the tundra аnd to confirmed of importance of protection the traditional nomadic life and traditional culture once more. Harmonious existence of indigenous population and their welfare are depend on correctly anti-epidemic measures.
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