CobWeb multidimensional model: From OLAP to tag cloud

The development of Internet is permanently increasing the number of documents and the volumes of data available and exchanged through the Web. This documentary information constitutes an interesting source for the decision-making analysis. Therefore, it is essential to provide decision-makers with efficient tools to analyze the textual data enclosed in documents. In this paper, first we present a generic multidimensional model called “CobWeb”, which extends the multidimensional galaxy. CobWeb is dedicated to the OLAP (OnLine Analytical Processing) of XML documents, and based on the concept of facet. It aims to provide decision-makers with facilities in expressing their analytical queries along with an appropriate vision of the data. Secondly, we introduce our software prototype called MQF (Multidimensional Query based on Facets) for querying the CobWeb multidimensional document warehouse. Query results are displayed as multidimensional tables, and as a cloud of tags.
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