Forests Belong To Everyone: Public Use of Private Lands in Norway

"Every Norwegian is born with skis on" is a popular and humorous anecdote that delights visitors to this green Nordic land. The Allemansretten law of 1957 is based in ancient, time-honored custom, and guarantees general access to woods, fields, mountains, rivers and lakes irrespective of who owns them. Visitors must not leave litter behind or cause any damage, and there is no hunting or cutting of trees allowed, but there is access to enjoy these natural resources. The results of strict zoning and adherence to the law are obvious from the Volksenkollen tower. It is impressive to see how people, wildlife, and forest habitat can coexist in such close proximity. Although there is an obvious need for land to accommodate this economically successful capital city, the Norwegians have focused development on existing built-up lands, preserving the centers of cities, and pursuing a relatively high density strategy.
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