Tunceli İlinin Arazi Örtüsünün Konumsal ve Zamansal Değişiminin İncelenmesi

With temporal changes in forest resources that will be prepared to understand the factors affecting this change to increase the effectiveness of plans and planning is very important for sustainable forest resources. This study analyzed spatial-temporal changes on land cover change of the Tunceli province (780,807 ha). The area was researched by classified LANDSAT images from 1987 to 2010 and accuracy assessment with digitized forest cover type maps from 1973 using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In addition, the study investigated temporal changes of spatial structure of forest resources (number of forest patch and spatial distribution) over the period using FRAGSTATS TM software. The results showed that the forested areas increased both in 1987 and 2010 (5.73%) due to very rapid decline of the rural population decreased in parallel with the pressure on forest areas. This translates to an average 1.3% annual rate of forest improvement. In terms of spatial configuration, although increased Number of Patches (NP) and Area weighted mean shape index (AWMSI), the mean patch size of the forest area increased due to the increase of forest ecosystem between 1987 and 2010 show is heading towards a more durable structure.
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