ISPANN: A Policy-Based ISP Auditor for Network Neutrality Violation Detection

Network Neutrality is a controversial and full of ambiguity topic. Several works measure network features in the end-user vantage point to detect traffic differentiations, which are judged as Network Neutrality violations. However, these works neglected that each country has their own Network Neutrality rules. Some countries consider specific cases of traffic differentiations as Network Neutrality violations, and are not as general as previous works believed. In this work we consider violations directly from governments legislators Network Neutrality rules. In this sense, we propose ISPANN, a system which takes as input countries' Network Neutrality rules and audits an ISP network, identifying Network Neutrality violations. No other work proposes Network Neutrality violation detection in the ISP operator vantage point, to the best of our knowledge. We conducted an evaluation that assumes an SDN based ISP network to verify Network Neutrality violations based on OpenFlow switches flow tables and network's informations.
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