Web seismic Un∗x: making seismic reflection processing more accessible

Abstract Web Seismic Un ∗ x is a browser-based user interface for the Seismic Un ∗ x freeware developed at Colorado School of Mines. The interface allows users to process and display seismic reflection data from any remote platform that runs a graphical Web browser. Users access data and create processing jobs on a remote server by completing form-based Web pages whose Common Gateway Interface scripts are written in Perl. These scripts supply parameters, manage files, call Seismic Un ∗ x routines and return data plots. The interface was designed for undergraduate commuter students taking geophysics courses who need to: (a) process seismic data and other time series as a class using computers in campus teaching labs and (b) complete course assignments at home. Students from an undergraduate applied geophysics course tested the Web user interface while completing laboratory assignments in which they acquired and processed common-depth-point seismic reflection data into a subsurface image. This freeware, which will be publicly available by summer 1999, was developed and tested on a Solaris 2.5 server and will be ported to other versions of Unix, including Linux.
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