Vacuum‐assisted closure of a large palmar defect after debriding a midpalmar tuberculous abscess

A rare case of tuberculous deep palmar abscess of the hand was treated with radical excisional debridement, resulting in a large palmar skin and soft tissue defect that was successfully closed with a vacuum dressing followed by split skin grafting. Vacuum dressings are useful adjuncts to treat large soft tissue defects in patients who are unsuitable for complex reconstruction. The moist wound environment prevents desiccation of exposed vital structures and decreases pain, allowing early mobilisation in the hand. The wound granulates and contracts rapidly, allowing earlier skin grafting or faster healing by secondary intention. The closed system vacuum dressing is particularly useful in managing debrided tuberculous soft tissue infections. The dressing is perfectly sealed and requires less frequent changing, decreasing contamination and transmission of tuberculosis to other patients and health care staff, while minimising the risk of secondary nosocomial bacterial infection of the wound.
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