A parlagfű pollenje altal okozott allergias hatasok minden evben emberek millioinak eletminőseget rontjak a noveny viragzasanak idejen, mivel viragpora az igen erősen allergen**** csoportba tartozik. Tanulmanyunkban az uromlevelű parlagfű (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) elleni vedekezest kivanjuk bemutatni az allam altal alkalmazott hatosagi eljarasok szemszogeből, ismertetve a hatosagi ellenőrzes es szaknkcionalas folyamatat es eredmenyesseget. Megvizsgaltuk, hogy az intezkedesek mennyiben tudjak korlatozni a parlagfű terjedeset es pollenszorasat? Hogyan befolyasolja a parlagfűvel fertőzott teruletek kiterjedeset a termőteruletek művelese, a csapadekmennyiseg, vagy a birsagolasi gyakorlat? A kutatas kulonboző hatosagok szekunder adatszolgaltatasara epult. A parlagfű elleni vedekezesre forditott erőfeszitesek, illetve a parlagfűpollen koncentraciojanak valtozasa kozott nem mutathato ki linearis osszefugges. Ugyanakkor elmondhato, hogy azok a foldhasznalok, akik mar egyszer szankcio ala estek, az elkovetkező evekben nem kerultek eljaras ala. A parlagfű-fertőzottseg visszaszoritasat elsősorban a foldhasznalok jogkovető magatartasa eredmenyezheti, az illetekes hatosagok mindent megtesznek annak erdekeben, hogy minel tobben meg az ellenőrzesek előtt elvegezzek a teruletuk mentesiteset. ------------------------- Allergic effects caused by ragweed pollen debase the quality of life of million people in every year during the flowering season. Since its pollen belongs to the highly allergenic**** group. In our study we want to show the control activities against common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) from the point of view of the official procedures applied by the state. We will describe the process and effectiveness of official control and sanctions. We examined, how can the measures limit the spreading pollen of ragweed? How affects the extent of areas infected with ragweed the tillage of arable lands, the rainfall or the fining practice? The research was built on secondary data service of different authorities. We could not detect linear correlations between efforts to control ragweed and change in concentration of ragweed sprouts. At the same time it can be said that those land users, who have already been sanctioned, have not been prosecuted in the coming years. The reduction of ragweed infection can primarily influenced by lawful behaviour of landowners. The competent authorities will do everything in order to the more people done the exoneration of areas before the control.
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