Older People and Acute Kidney Injury: A Student Perspective on Medication Changes During Hospital Admission and Transitions of Care Follow-Up.

Older people are particularly susceptible to acute kidney injury (AKI) for a variety of reasons. Because of this, medication changes during admission and transitions of care follow-up are often necessary to ensure the safety of these patients. The American Geriatrics Society's Beers Criteria provide guidance for select medications that are potentially inappropriate in the older adult population. However, other medications, particularly those for cardiovascular disease and diabetes that are not included in the kidney function-specific section of the Beers Criteria (Table 6), can sometimes be overlooked. This manuscript will provide insight to both pharmacists and student pharmacists on the importance of being vigilant for medications that may need dosage adjustment during episodes of AKI. As interns in the outpatient setting, pharmacy students can provide education to patients and their families in order to ensure these medications are being taken correctly and are properly restarted if their discontinuation was intended for only a short time.
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