Реализация Концепции медицинского, антидопингового и санитарно-эпидемиологического обеспечения XXVII Всемирной летней Универсиады 2013 года в г. Казани

Here are the results of the implementation of the Concept of medical and anti-doping and epidemiological support of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. There is covered major sections of the Concept, which included legal, staffing, construction and equipping of health facilities. Here described the organization of medical care to participants and guests of the Universiade and activities in the development of practical preparedness of health facilities to provide medical assistance in emergency situations. Analysis of the results of the implementation of the Concept has shown that the principles and approaches to the provision of care to participants and guests of the Universiade have been successfully implemented, and they must be used in the future for the organization of international sporting events.
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