Patologias urologicas asociadas a paralisis cerebral. El rol de la enfermera.
espanolOBJETIVOS: Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: analizar las causas de consulta urologica del nino con Paralisis Cerebral (PC), analizar el rol de enfermeria en el cuidado urologico de ninos con PC referidos a Urologia, y conocer la relacion entre la infeccion urinaria del nino con PC y su grado de independencia. MATERIAL Y METODO: Estudio observacional analitico retrospectivo en base a la revision del expediente clinico de pacientes con diagnostico de paralisis cerebral. Se incluyeron en el estudio a 47 pacientes seleccionados mediante aleatorizacion simple en un rango de edad de 2 a 16 anos en una clinica de atencion ambulatoria para pacientes con PC, ubicada en una poblacion del norte de Mexico. RESULTADOS: Las causas de consulta urologica del nino con PC, referidos por enfermeria fueron: infeccion urinaria, fimosis, testiculo retractil, criptorquidia, hipogonadismo, vejiga hiperactiva, e hipospadias. La relacion entre la infeccion urinaria del nino con PC y su grado de independencia se establecio con el nivel de control de esfinter urinario. CONCLUSIONES: El personal de enfermeria es factor clave y decisivo en el diagnostico, referencia temprana para tratamiento y vigilancia de la evolucion de los trastornos urinarios en ninos con PC. No esta indicado iniciar un programa de control de esfinteres en ninos con PC, sin haber descartado antes una infeccion urinaria. EnglishOBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were: To analyze the causes of urological consultation of the child with CP, to analyze the role of nursing in the urological care of children with CP referred to Urology, and to know the relationship between the child’s urinary tract infection and CP and its degree of independence. METHOD: Retrospective analytical observational study based on the review of the clinical records of patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Forty-seven patients selected by simple randomization in an age range of 2 to 16 years were included in the study in an outpatient clinic for CP patients located in a town in northern Mexico. RESULTS: The causes of urological consultation of the child with CP, referred by nursing were: urinary infection, phimosis, retractable testicle, cryptorchidism, hypogonadism, overactive bladder, and hypospadias. The relationship between the urinary infection of the child with CP and its degree of independence was established with the level of urinary sphincter control. CONCLUSIONS: The nursing staff is a key and decisive factor in the diagnosis, early reference for treatment and monitoring of the evolution of urinary disorders in children with CP. It is not indicated to start a toilet training program in children with CP, without having previously ruled out a urinary tract infection.
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