Gas-phase reactive nitrogen near Grand Teton National Park: Impacts of transport, anthropogenic emissions, and biomass burning

Abstract Excess inputs of reactive nitrogen can adversely affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, particularly in sensitive ecosystems found at high elevations. Grand Teton National Park is home to such sensitive natural areas and is in proximity to potentially large reactive nitrogen sources. The Grand Teton Reactive Nitrogen Deposition Study (GrandTReNDS) was conducted in spring–summer 2011, with the aim of better understanding sources of reactive nitrogen influencing the region, spatial and temporal variability of reactive nitrogen in the atmosphere, and current levels of nitrogen deposition. Overall, NO y was determined to be the most abundant class of ambient gas phase reactive nitrogen compounds, and ammonia was determined to be the most abundant individual nitrogen species. NO x , NO y and NH 3 concentrations all showed a diel cycle, with maximum concentrations during the day and minimum concentrations at night. This pattern appeared to be driven, in part, by mountain-valley circulation as well as long range transport, which brought air to the site from anthropogenic sources in the Snake River Valley and northern Utah. In addition to the nitrogen sources noted above, we found elevated concentrations of all measured nitrogen species during periods impacted by biomass burning.
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