High harmonic emission from a superposition of multiple unrelated frequency fields

We report observations and analysis of high harmonic generation driven by a superposition of fields at 1290 nm and 780 nm. These fields are not commensurate in frequency and the superposition leads to an increase in the yield of the mid-plateau harmonics of more than two orders of magnitude compared to using the 1290 nm field alone. Significant extension of the cut-off photon energy is seen even by adding only a small amount of the 780 nm field. These observations are explained by calculations performed in the strong field approximation. Most importantly we find that enhancement is found to arise as a consequence of both increased ionization in the sum-field and modification of the electron trajectories leading to an earlier return time. The enhanced yield even when using modest intensity fields of 5 x 1013 Wcm−2 is extended to the 80 eV range and is a promising route to provide a greater photon number for applications in XUV imaging and time-resolved experiments at a high repetition rate.
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