The construction of a general inner product in non-Hermitian quantum theory and some explanation for the nonuniqueness of the C operator in PT quantum mechanics

Most recently it has been observed e.g. by Bender and Klevansky (arXiv:0905.4673 [hep-th]) that the C-operator related to a PT-symmetric non-Hermitian Hamilton operator is not unique. Moreover it has been remarked by Shi and Sun (arXiv:0905.1771 [hep-th]) very recently that there seems to exist a well defined inner product in the context of the Hamilton operator of the PT-symmetric non-Hermitian Lee model yielding a different C-operator as compared to the one previously derived by Bender et al.. The puzzling observations of both manuscripts are reconciled and explained in the present manuscript as follows: the actual form of the metric operator (and the induced C-operator) related to some non-Hermitian Hamilton operator constructed along the lines of Shi and Su depends on the chosen normalization of the left and right eigenvectors of the Hamilton operator under consideration and is therefore ambiguous. For a specific PT-symmetric 2x2-matrix Hamilton operator it is shown that - by a suitable choice of the norm of its eigenvectors - the metric operator yielding a positive semi-definite inner product can be made even independent of the parameters of the considered Hamilton operator. This surprising feature makes in turn the obtained metric operator rather unique and attractive. For later convenience the metric operator for the Bosonic and Fermionic (anti)causal harmonic oscillator is derived.
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