Hip fracture surgery: reasons for surgical delay

Hip fractures are a common trauma. In 2008 18,500 patients were hospitalized in the Netherlands because of hip fractures. It is expected that, due to the aging population, the incidence of hip fracture patients will rise to approximately 24,000 patients per year in 2025. Because surgical repair is the preferred treatment, this trend will lead to an increase in the number of surgical interventions. To ensure good quality of care for these patients and to reduce the risk of complications, the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate developed in cooperation with health care organizations and professionals the performance indicator ‘percentage of hip fracture surgery within one calendar day’. Research has shown that reducing delays may result in a reduction of mortality and complications. However, for a number of patients it is neither desired nor feasible to undergo surgery within one calendar day, which results in surgical delay. It is not known how frequent and by what cause surgical delay within the hospital Medisch Spectrum Twente (MST) occurs. Therefore, it is important to identify and where possible to influence these causes.
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