[Psychopathological features and delusion of exaggerated self-esteem in endogenous manic-delusion states].

: Forty patients with endogenous maniс-delusion states with the domination of exaggerated self-esteem in the clinical presentations were examined. Based on the analysis of mechanisms of delusion formation and congruency to the mania affect and its characteristics, 3 types of delusion syndromes have been singled out. Type 1 is characterized by the domination of delusion of exaggerated self-esteem, it is formatted by affective mechanisms as one of the symptoms of mania; type 2 is characterized by combined mechanisms of delusion formation (affective and acute delusion of sensuality - delusion of perception), with the domination of delusion of grandiosity congruent by its contest to mania affect. Type 3 is described by the formation of delusions according to mechanisms of acute paranoid state with paraphrenic-confabulatory modification congruent by the contest of affect to megalomaniac ideas of special mission, grandiosity, noble origin. All 3 types of maniс-delusion states differed by characteristics of mania affect, plot characteristics and a degree of delusion scope as well as features of depersonalization. Diagnostic wrongfulness of the orientation only on the contest aspect of delusion and greater predictive value of mechanisms of delusion formation are discussed.
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