Efficacy of an orally administered modified-live porcine-origin rotavirus vaccine against postweaning diarrhea in pigs.

: A commercially available, porcine-origin rotavirus vaccine was evaluated for efficacy against postweaning diarrhea due to rotavirus infection in pigs. Weight gains were compared at 5 intervals after weaning. Visual scoring was used to evaluate fecal consistency. Rectal swab specimens were cultured for hemolytic E coli and evaluated for rotaviral antigen by use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Milk from dams and sera from pigs and dams were evaluated for rotavirus-neutralizing antibodies by use of a plaque-reduction test. Significant differences between vaccinates and controls were not found in the determinants evaluated. Selected rotavirus-positive fecal and rectal swab specimens were examined for double-stranded (ds) RNA by use of direct electropherotyping, and the results were compared with the dsRNA pattern of rotavirus propagated from the vaccine. Only electropherotypes typical of field strain virus were found in the fecal and rectal swab specimens evaluated. Sera from guinea pigs and from a gnotobiotic pig immunized against the field strain rotavirus neutralized Ohio State University strain rotavirus (homologous to the vaccine rotavirus strain), but did not neutralize the Gottfried strain of rotavirus. This indicated that, although the dsRNA electropherotypes of the field and vaccine strains of the virus were different, the serotypes were similar, if not identical.
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