Does flexible small-diameter colonoscope reduce insertion pain during colonoscopy?

AIM It is well known that colonoscopy can bedifficult due to abdominal pain induced duringcolonoscope insertion,if sedative agents are notgiven.Recently,an extra-flexible,small-diameter colonoscope(CF-SV,Olympus Inc.,Japan)was developed in order to improve safetyand comfort.The aim of this study was toaccess the usefulness of the CF-SV.METHODS One hundred patients undergoingsigmoidoscopy were recruited and colonoscopywas performed by one experiencedcolonoscopist.First,a routine-type colonoscope(CF-2301)was inserted into the colon withoutsedation.When the patient complained ofabdominal pain(even if mild),the scope wasnot advanced further and was withdrawn afterthe anatomic location of its tip was determinedfluoroscopically.Then,the CF-SV was inserteduntil it reached the cecun or the site whereabdominal pain occurred.Previous abdominalsurgery and abdominal disease were consideredas unfavorable factors(UF)and the relationshipbetween abdominal pain and UF,age and genderwere investigated.Furthermore,the colonicinsertion pressures in 36 patients with abdominalpain were measured with a force gauge.RESULTS Thirty-four cases(34%)felt no painwith the CF-2301 and successful pancolon-0scopies to the cecum were performed.Sixty-six cases(66%)complained of abdominal pain.The procedure was painless for 47% of men and24% of women,respectively.The CF-2301 scopefailed to reach the sigmoid-descending colon junctions in 59(89.4%)of the 66 patientscomplaining of abdominal pain.However,CF-SVreached proximal area in 94.9% of those whofailed with CF-2301.The median pressure forpain-inducing was 700 g/cm~2.CONCLUSION Unsedated patients with UFwere prone to complain of pain when thestandard-type CF-2301 scope was used.Thenewly developed extra-flexible CF-SV is usefulfor the aged and for those with UF or being proneto suffer from abdominal pain.Sedative agentsmay be unnecessary if this new type ofcolonoscope is used.
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