Do Direct Bypasses Really Resolve Capillary Vessels in Moyamoya Disease? Delayed Hemorrhage Potentially Relevant to Direct Bypasses: A Pathological Investigation.

OBJECTIVE Moyamoya disease is a chronic but progressive obliterative cerebrovascular disease of bilateral internal carotid arteries (ICAs) causing hemorrhagic or ischemic cerebral strokes. Surgical revascularization has the potential for resolving the capillary vessels, but the effect on the occlusive ICA and the moyamoya vessels after a direct bypass remains unclear. PATIENT A 2-year-old girl with a history of repeated transient ischemic attacks and direct bypasses but demonstrating improvement and associated anomaly is reported. A year and a half later, after a bilateral revascularization, an intracerebral capsulized hematoma growth was identified, and it was removed surgically. Neovascularization including many microvessels similar to capillary telangiectasia were identified by pathological investigation despite the reduction of moyamoya vessels on the repeated angiograms after the revascularization surgeries. In the present case, proliferation of capillary vessels was clearly confirmed by direct bypasses. CONCLUSION There is no doubt that direct bypasses prevent further ischemic stroke by improving cerebral blood flow. However, they may result in failure in reducing the load of moyamoya vessels, albeit decreasing the potential risk of hemorrhagic strokes.
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