Author Correction: Dynamic actuation of glassy polymersomes through isomerization of a single azobenzene unit at the block copolymer interface

In the version of this Article originally published, multiple changes to the “Results and discussion” section were required. In paragraph 1, “(Supplementary Fig. 1)” should have read “(Fig. 1e–j and Supplementary Fig. 1)”; in the first sentence of paragraph 3, “(R6G)” should have read “(R6G, Fig. 2i)”; in paragraph 6 in the sentence beginning “Temporal release of hydrophilic...”, Supplementary Fig. 4 should have been cited after “360 nm”; in paragraph 9, in the sentence beginning “To test this...”, “Fig. 4e” should have read “Fig. 4a”; in paragraph 10, in the sentence beginning “When the irradiation...”, “(Fig. 4a–d)” should have read “(Fig. 4d,e)”; in paragraph 11, in the sentence beginning “Pristine PLA”, “P1” should have read “P2”; and in the penultimate paragraph, in the sentence beginning “Moreover, a control PEG-PLA...”, “block copolymer” should have been followed by (P5); Fig. 4g should have been Fig. 4c; “hydrophobic azobenzene small molecules” should have been followed by (12); and Fig. 4f should have been Fig. 4b. Finally, Supplementary Videos 1 and 2 were missing from the Article. All of these corrections have been made to the online versions.
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