A phase II trial of intraperitoneal cisplatin and etoposide for primary treatment of ovarian epithelial cancer.

We conducted a phase II trial of intraperitoneal (IP) cisplatin (DDP) and etoposide (VP-16) in stage III and IV newly diagnosed ovarian carcinoma patients with residual disease of any size. Twenty-three patients were entered, 19 had stage III and four stage IV disease. DDP 200 mg/m2 and VP-16 350 mg/m2 were given in 2 L saline IP via a Port-A-Cath (Pharmacia-Deltec, St Paul, MN). Sodium thiosulfate 4 g/m2 was given intravenously (IV) just before the start of IP instillation, and continued as a constant IV infusion of 2 g/m2/hr IV for a total of 6 hours. Treatment was given once every 4 weeks; six cycles of therapy were planned. Thirteen patients (56%) were in complete clinical remission at the end of treatment (normal physical exam, computed tomographic [CT] scan, CA-125, and peritoneal cytology). Seven of these 13 underwent a second-look laparotomy: three (13%) were in pathologic complete remission and four (17%) had microscopic disease only. Projected survival is 68% at 27 months, with 10 patients being...
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