Coronavirus Spike (S) Glycoprotein (2019-Ncov) Targeted Siddha Medicines Kabasura Kudineer and Thonthasura Kudineer – In silico Evidence for Corona Viral Drug

COVID19 is the prime threat to the human race now. Currently the world faces Covid-19 out-break across all continents and it is characterized by its membrane proteins due to mutations. Siddha Medicine is one of the oldest medical system in the world which is believed to be originated more than 10,000 years ago which is prevalent in the ancient Tamil land. Siddha medicine classifies disease and disorders into 4448 types and has remedy for more than 64 types of fever. Among these Kabasura Kudineer and Thonthasura Kudineer are two siddha formulations used against fevers due to respiratory infections. The present study was carried out to evaluate these two formulations against COVID 19 using in silico docking methods. For that the active principles/phytocompounds from the ingredients of the formulations were docked against coronavirus spike glycoprotein trimmer (PDB ID: 3JCL) using iGEMDOCK software. 10 phytocompounds showed promising activity against COVID spike glycoprotein. This study showed that 10 phytocompounds which act as ligands to bind with viral proteins to prevent the binding of host receptors. Of these Cucurbitacin B (-112.09), Cardiofoliolide (-111.5), Apigenin (-98.84) and Pyrethrin (-92.98) were observed as more effective with less bind energies required for binding with spike proteins to prevent the fusion lead viral replication. Since Kabasura Kudineer contains more active phyto constituents, the higher activity was observed than Thontha sura Kudineer. The study demonstrated that Kabasura Kudineer could be a potential siddha medicine for COVID 19 provided further preclinical and clinical confirmatory studies.
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