A NovelResistance MemorywithHighScalability andNanosecond Switching

resulting inrelatively lowdatathroughput. Ontheother hand, another typeofthenewmemories basedonasolid state We report anovelnonvolatile dual-layered electrolytic electrolyte [5], inwhichionssuchasAg+orCu+movealong resistance memorycomposedofa conductive Cu ion theapplied field andformtheconductive bridge inthe activated layer andathininsulator forthefirst time. An electrolyte, isapromising candidate fromtheviewpoints of ON/OFFmechanism ofthis newtypememoryispostulated highspeedswitching andlowset/reset current. Previous asfollows: Cuionspierce through theinsulator layer by studies onthememories, however, seemtoshowtheir applied electric field, theions formaCuconductive bridge in insufficient retention. theinsulator layer, andthis bridge dissolves backtotheion Torealize bothhighspeedswitching andsufficient activated layer whenthefield isreversed. The4kbit memory retention, we havenewlydeveloped a dual-layered array withIT-IRcell structure wasfabricated based on180 electrolytic resistance memoryutilizing Cuconductive bridge nmCMOSprocess. Set/reset pulses were5ns,110gtAand1 combined withathin insulator. ns,125gA,respectively. Thoseconditions provide large set/reset resistance ratio ofover2orders ofmagnitude and MemoryDesign satisfactory retention. Essential characteristics forhigh capacity memories including superb scalability downto20 Inasolid state electrolytic memory, metallic ionssuchas nmo, sufficient endurance upto107cycles andpreliminary Ag+orCu+playanessential role infast forming aconductive datafor4-level memoryarealsopresented. Thesebridge whentheelectric field isapplied. Butwithout thefield, characteristics promise thememorybeing thenextgeneration thebridge should steadfastly keeptheshapeforthedata highcapacity nonvolatile memoryevenbefore thescalingretention. Itseemshardtosolvetheseincompatible limitation offlash memories isencountered. characteristics within asingle layer. Therefore wedivided the role into respective twolayers: theconductive ionactivated
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