Avaliação da suscetibilidade à xylella fastidiosa emdiferentes espécies de cafeeiro

Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. bacteria was firstly detected in coffee plants in Brazil in 1995. However it is believed to be attacking this crop this time. Disease symptoms have been attributed mostly to nutritional unbalances. Up to date studies have comprised only the species C. arabica and C. canephora. However X. fastidiosa was also detected in other Coffea species, but without disease symptoms. Aiming to identify in the IAC germoplasm collection resistant materials, the present study was under taken. The proportion of total or partial obstruction in xylem vessels of plants naturally infected with X. fastidiosa was evaluated in C. canephora ('Guarini' progenitor), C. liberica var. liberica, C. liberica var. dewevrei (Ugandae, Dibowskii, Abeokutae, and Excelsa) accesses and in the interespecific hybrid Piata (C. arabica X C. liberica var. dewevrei). All tested materials showed to be less susceptible to X. fastidiosa. The obstruction percentage did not exceeded 0.6% except for "Excelsa" and the "Piata" hybrid with about 2%, even though both were much more resistant than C. arabica cultivars. All tested material is relevant to a coffee breeding program aiming at X. fastidiosa resistance.
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