Anniversary of prof. RNDr. Aloisie Poulíčková, CSc.

Aloisie Poulickova (*1961) alias Alka has started with microalgal research in 1977 as a student of grammar school (gymnasium) in Zlin. The first person who attracted Alka to the algal world was her teacher of biology RNDr. J. Pasek, although it happened by chance. Dr. Pasek was a mineralogist and leader of the biological student club in the gymnasium. After receiving a letter written by Czech phycologists to support phycology at grammar schools he met Alka on the school corridor and asked her. „In what part of biology are you interested?“ She answered: „Spiders“ He stroked his beard in a short meditation, gave her a letter, and say:“ Try this please, if you will have algae under the microscope, there will be a lot of spiders.“ She applied a proposal of student project „Natura Semper viva“ focused on phytoplankton and her supervisor in this first research project was RNDr. Petr Marvan, CSc. Since that time he became her mentor.
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